The Wallstreet analysts are a buzz about what will happen to Sprint Nextel and the new Xohm service with the hiring of a new CEO. The best article I've read about this was from SmartMoney. The author of this article spent a great deal of time considering what the future holds for Xohm and the conclusion is that Xohm will continue and thrive due to the "ecosystem" that has been developed by the collaboration with such companies as Intel, Motorola, Samsung, and Nokia. Read the full article: SmartMoney
UN Telecoms Agency Approves WiMax As Mobile Wireless Standard Friday October 19 the U.N. telecommunications agency met and approved WiMAX as a new 3G standard. AP writer Frank Jordans writes:
GENEVA (AP) -- The broadband technology WiMax has been added to a global standard for mobile devices, boosting its chances of becoming the preferred system for the next generation of high-speed wireless Internet access.Additionally WirelessWeek has a great write up about the meetings and provide more details about the specifics and significance of this decision. What does this mean to Sprint Nextel - Xohm which has been touted as 4G? It's now part of the 3G standard! WirelessWeek
The decision Friday by the U.N. telecommunications agency means that airwaves designated for other technologies in the standard known as IMT-2000 can now be used for networks based on WiMax. That's likely to spur development of the wireless technology, attract new investors and eventually drive down hardware costs, analysts said.
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